Hebrew/Greek Synonym Dictionary 1.0

January 14, 2023

Hebrew/Greek Synonym Dictionary 1.0

Taken from Wordmodules.com

I made this module a few years back (exactly how I made it is a little fuzzy, but I remember it was a pretty complicated process that involved MS Word, Excel and several customize macros). The module is a dictorary module with entries for almost all content based words in the English KJV (words like “and”, “the”, “a”, etc). When you click on (or mouse over, depending on your settings) the English word in the bible window, the dictionary module will display a list of all the Hebrew words that have been translated into that English word, followed by a list of all the Greek words that have been translated into that English word. Below each Hebrew/Greek word is a list of the scripture references where that Hebrew word underlies the English word in question. The Hebrew and Greek words are listed according to frequency of occurrence with the most commonly used entries appearing first.

Needless to say, scripture references where the Hebrew/Greek word is translated into a different English word are not included. To view the other ways a particular Hebrew/Greek word has been translated, set your Strong’s number default dictionary to KJV Concordance, then you simply click on (or mouse over) the Strongs number for that word and you will be able to see a list of all the passages where that underlying Hebrew/Greek word occurs.

I think I made this document by extracting information from the KJV Concordance module and reformatting it to meet my needs. After seeing this post, I was reminded of what a cool and useful module this is, and made me regret not sharing it with other sooner…I hope it’s useful to someone out there.

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