Smith Proper Names in Isaiah (Dictionary)
The “Enhanced” Synonyms of the New Testament (Updated 2016) 3.0 taken from Author: Richard Chenevix Trench theWord Version: 3.x – 4.x Tab Name: Trench Synonyms – Enhanced Suggest New Tag:: T-SYN-E This is Version 3.0 of the “Enhanced” ‘Synonyms of the New Testament’ by Richard Chenevix Trench. 12th edition, Corrected and Improved. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1894. The purpose of this module is to make this resource available to a wider English-speaking audience—especially those whose knowledge of the Biblical languages is very basic, “rusty,” or non-existent. Trench’s Synonyms of the NT holds a wealth of information on many Greek words used in the New Testament. But unless you can read Greek, Hebrew and Latin, you are likely to miss out on a lot by having to skip over those sections. Version 3.0 has the following changes and additions: Popup links to LXX references in Greek-English interlinear format added. I have keyed each Greek and Hebrew word to Strong’s numbers, both in the headings and in the body of the text. This creates a hyperlink between this dictionary module and any Bible module (with Greek words, such as the TR+ or IGNT Interlinear module) in theWord that is keyed…
Nicoll Expositor’s Dictionary of Texts (6 volumes)
Hebrew/Greek Synonym Dictionary 1.0
hebrew word form dictionary
Everett, Gary – Study Notes on the Holy Scriptures (64 vols)
Wace Dictionary of Christian Biography Author: William C. Piercy and Henry Wace A Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D., with an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies is a 1911 religious encyclopedia of biographies. Edited by William C. Piercy and Henry Wace, Dean of Canterbury (1836–1924) in English-language version, it is in the public domain as of 2004. from
The American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia By WIlliam James Miller First published in 1901. The Preface explains: “The writer of the following pages has long been convinced, from an experience of many years in the Ministry, that a great desideratum among Church people is a Church Dictionary, especially one not so expensive as the more costly works, and at the same time something more complete and satisfactory than a mere glossary of terms. What seems to be needed is an inexpensive, handy volume, “short enough for busy people, plain enough for common people, cheap enough for poor people,” yet complete enough to give the information needed. The present work was undertaken with this object in view.”
This classic work is a comprehensive study on the life of Christ, including every reference to His life and teaching.
This dictionary will focus on the Tabernacle and items related to the Tabernacle and Temples such as the Feasts, Priesthood and Items in the Tabernacle.