Dodson Greek-English Lexicon
A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament + Keyed to Strong’s.
This is Version 3.0 of the Enhanced Synonyms of the New Testament by Richard Chenevix Trench. 12th edition, Corrected and Improved. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1894.
Best Lexicon
Moulton and Milligan – Vocabulary of the Greek NT is a Greek lexicon focusing on the Papyrus Greek.
A classic Greek lexicon useful for every theology student. Note that Thayer was a universalist, so be careful with any word dealing with salvation, and also the Trinity (his definition of “Christ” would seem to doubt Jesus’ deity). Basically the majority of his word definitions are from standard usage in the Greek NT and classical literature, so in theologically charged words, be careful.
Strong Diccionario Griego y Hebreo al Español
Mounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament
Trench’s Classic work, Synonyms of the New Testament, is a study of Greek synonyms in the New Testament, showing their similarities and differences.
Green Greek English Lexicon