This is a church history work of 14 volumes, covering the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers...
Nicene Fathers Volumes 1-14 in ONE file....
Cruden's Concordance This is a concordance created by Alexander Cruden in 1737. ...
ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia an older by excellent Bible Dictionary Encyclopedia on all the words of the Bible....
Fleming - Bridgeway Bible Dictionaryis a dictionary made by a missionary....
Whyte's Dictionary of Bible Characters...
Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary...
A compilation of illustrations (in the work Feathers for Arrows) from the observations of Charles Spurgeon, one of the greatest preachers ever to fill the pulpit. These illustration were collected by Spurgeon over the course of his ministry and servers today to give greater insight into his thinking. studylight,org...
Richard Watson published Biblical and Theological Dictionary in 1831-32, following his Theological Institutes, the first Methodist theology. This 5 volume dictionary contains 1,600+ entries ranging from a paragraph to several pages. Watson addresses philosophical issues, comparative religions, apologetics, matters of hermeneutics, and basic Christian beliefs....
This is a Bible Dictionary from the 19th century containing 4000 entries...